Communicating Global Health Research and Countering Misinformation: Get to know the panelists

The recording of this event is now available at Amy Maxmen’s contribution is not available in the recording as she requested to not be included in this public recording.

As researchers, scientists, practitioners, and even as general public learning to improve public health communication is crucial for the well-being of our communities. For Global Health Week, on May 17th, we are bringing together three leading journalists from India, South Africa, and the USA, to learn about how to better communicate global health research and to counter misinformation. Communicating to each different communities come with unique opportunities and challenges. As we get ready to learn from our panelists, let’s get to know Banjot Kaur, Laura Lopez Gonzalez and Amy Maxmen and their impressive work as science communicators.

Banjot Kaur

Banjot is a senior correspondent at The Wire, Science in India. She ahs over 12 years of experience with over ten years of experience in reporting on public health. She has worked for national publications in India such as  The Times of India, the largest English daily of the country and Down To Earth--a health, science, and environment publication. 

During the last two-and-a-half years, she has focused mostly on covering all possible aspects of pandemic, many of which have been critical assessments of the poor response to COVID-19 in India. Since before the pandemic, Banjot has traveled widely to bring stories beyond urban centers of India and to shine a spotlight on challenges in under-served areas. As an invited speaker in academic and other public forums Banjot build upon her writing to raise awareness on the pandemic and advocates for better health efforts in India.

You can access her most recent work at The Wire, India through here.

Banjot tweets at @BanjotKaur

Laura Lopez Gonzalez

Laura López González is an independent health and science writer and editor. She is an award-winning journalist who covers the intersection of science, policy and people from Johannesburg, South Africa. She has headed up the editorial operations of South Africa's health news outlets. Her work often focuses on inequality and access to medicines and has appeared in outlets such as Al Jazeera, Devex, the Guardian and others. Laura is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and has a masters from the University of Chicago.

 Laura’s selected works of science writing can be found at this link

 Laura tweets at @LLopezGonzalez

 Amy Maxmen

Amy Maxmen is a senior reporter at The Nature and is currently based in California. She is an award-winning science writer who covers the entanglements of evolution, medicine, science policy and of the people behind research. Her stories appear in Wired, National Geographic and The New York Times, among other outlets. Most recently Amy was awarded the Victor Cohn Prize for Excellence in Medical Science Reporting in 2021 for her body of work covering COVID-19 and other diseases. Her feature on the toll of inequality in the pandemic also received the communications award from the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH). Prior to her writing career Amy completed a PhD in evolutionary biology at Harvard University.

Amy’s selected works of science writing can be found at this link.

 Amy tweets at @amymaxmen

You can register by May 15th for this event at