Heroes and Villains: Global health academia in the Black Panther universe

By Nadia A. Sam-Agudu

Facing  a pandemic while working in global health has been challenging for academia in the past few years.  Challenges in academia manifest in many ways, and one thing that is hard to escape is the people we work and learn with. Colleagues and collaborators can be heroes, but can also be the villains in our academic stories.

So, in this not-so-serious take, I invite you to take a cinematic journey with me to the Black Panther universe. See if you identify your colleagues and collaborators, heroes and villains in global health. My wish is to bring some levity as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, both personally and professionally, and do our best to promote excellence and equity through our work. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!



LORD M'BAKU. The Warrior. Protective leader. Imposing presence. Confident, kinda brash, but a formidable, fearless leader who has power, knows it, and wields it to protect others. A refuge for timid and less powerful colleagues. Administrative and academic bullies fear M'Bakus.

2. Queen Ramonda

QUEEN RAMONDA. Your friendly Academic Auntie and advocate who has been in the game for years. Best person to ask how to navigate the system that she fought in her time. She knows the Deans and Chairs and negotiates with them on your behalf. Battle-weary and close to retirement, but still got your back.


KING T'CHAKA. The Oracle. The kind Emeritus Professor, a listening ear for venting against The Bully Administration. Gives advice on surviving academia, but not one to start a revolution. Will readily explain the landmark paper he wrote in 1972. Reads all your papers and compliments your work.


GENERAL OKOYE. The Revolutionary. Not afraid to challenge the status quo. Fiercely loyal to true Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and transformative change. Makes 'controversial' comments at pretty much every faculty meeting. Highly decorated yet unconcerned with laurels. Extremely skilled and productive in her field.


PRINCESS SHURI. The Prodigy. Finished college at 17 years, PhD by 23 years. Will probably be a tenured full professor by 30. An idealist brimming with innovation, but still green in the system. Sis has been profiled in big magazines and is getting big grants so the university leadership loves her and her ideas-for now...


KING T'CHALLA. The Principal Investigator. Leader with heart. A brilliant scientist and mentor who is widely respected. May get Department Chair but needs to prove himself against naysayers. Tried to appease both university leadership and department faculty. Trying to balance old traditions vs new ideas, and having a tough time. Will leave a great legacy and have buildings named after him.


NAKIA. The Academic Diplomat. Has lived and worked in many countries. Spends much time abroad; somewhat removed from university politics, which is a plus for her. Finds and sets up international partnerships and collaborations that work well for all. Supports progressive change and is a consistent team player.


AGENT ROSS. The Ally. Your (only) ally in the inner circle of The Administration. Respects you and your work and understands and supports your academic needs. Gives you insight into unspoken rules and ways to get institutional support and benefits. Helps you protect your intellectual property and research enterprise, at great personal risk.


ZURI. The Super Mentor. Has been around forever and mentored the best and the brightest in the field. Has served in almost all academic leadership positions at the university. Semi-retired academic. Teaching and mentoring at the university, but also has as a well-paid consultant job in global health.

10. W'KABI

W'KABI. The Tired Academic. Has become disillusioned after years of fighting for positive change without seeing the results he wanted. Doesn't team play anymore. Aligning with powerful leaders who have promised him individual power and attractive benefits. Resigned from fighting The Bully Administration, but, who knows? May be convinced to fight again…



KILLMONGER. The Insecure Academic. Tries to get ahead at any cost. Wants to be Department Chair and will sabotage anyone else in the running. Can't handle criticism and other colleagues’ success. Has some good ideas but difficult to collaborate with. Eventually ruins his own career and blames everybody else for it.


ULYSSES KLAUE. The Bully. One of the worst types of academics. No ethics, selfish, and driven by greed and power. He steals intellectual property and publishes other colleagues’ data as his own. Terrible mentor who uses his position to intimidate trainees and junior faculty. No respect for colleagues nor the global health field.


PRINCE N'JOBU. The Backstabbing Academic. Seeks power for change, but betrays the trust of his own colleagues and team because of ambition. Prioritizes external scientist friends over his own team. Gifts authorships and undervalues team members' efforts and discoveries. Tries to sabotage legitimate leadership.

About the Author:

Nadia Sam-Agudu MD, CTropMed is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine.  She works full time at the Institute of Human Virology Nigeria in Abuja. She focuses on HIV, COVID-19 and other major infectious diseases affecting children in African countries.

Disclaimer: All the copyrights of the characters are owned by respective companies.