What We Publish

General Articles

These are our standard contributions, with submissions welcome from all authors. These can take the form of opinion pieces, photo essays, interview write-ups, or other formats, at the discretion of the editorial team.

Invited Contributions

These are articles from global health experts, activists, advocates, and scholars commissioned by the Editorial Board. These pieces are by invitation only.


These are written internally by the members of the editorial team.

Submission Guidelines and Process

McGill Global Health Perspectives welcomes contributions relevant to global health. We understand that global health is a diverse and interdisciplinary field. Thus, we welcome your contribution despite your field, as long as it pertains to global health. Contributions to Global Health Perspectives should be relevant to its mission and can include perspectives from your latest research, research experience, key issues in health policy governance, equity-related challenges, and strengths in global health to name a few.

You can submit your article, photo essay, or article pitch to us by emailing us at globalhealthblog@mcgill.ca. Details on how to submit can be found below.

submission guidelines for general articles

  • Submissions must be original work of the author(s).

  • We accept articles that are typically 500 – 1200 words in length. We prefer writing styles that engage the reader and avoid jargon, with clearly defined acronyms and defined technical terms if any.

  • Please include references where necessary. Generally, we would like your reference sources to be hyperlinked in the article for easier access for the reader.

  • Contributors are encouraged to include author photos and relevant photos to the article along with their blog posts. Please be mindful of the pictures included and ensure that they do not promote harmful stereotypes, respect the privacy of individuals portrayed, and are respectful of communities represented and their views.

  • All blog post data must be factually correct and opinions must be respectful of the global community.

Photo guidelines

Sometimes the most compelling way to tell a story is through photography. We encourage submissions of all types of photography from your global health related experiences be it here at home, in the nation, or abroad.  To stay true to what you saw and captured at the time, we ask that you avoid excessive editing. Submissions must be an original work taken by the individual submitting the photo.

Perspectives supports ethical photography, meaning the welfare of the subject(s) in question (people, animals, environments, etc) take precedence over their photography. Do not harm, bribe, or manipulate the subject or its environments for the sake of creating an image.

Photographers’ decisions about the depiction of their subjects can completely alter viewers’ perceptions. An ethically shared photograph is one that accurately portrays a situation without stigmatizing the subjects. The photograph is taken with the subjects’ consent, and shared in a way that the subjects approve. 

Written informed consent is mandatory in the following situations:

  • A subject's face is visible.

  • A person's (or a group of people's) medical or personal information is revealed in the photo (e.g. HIV status).

Submission Process

Please send your submissions to globalhealthblog@mcgill.ca

Submitting a text-based article

  • Your article should be in Microsoft Word format and any photos in JPEG.

  • Please include the title of the article as the subject heading

  • In the body of the email please write a brief description of the article (5-6 sentences) including why you think it is relevant to global health and the word count.

  • In the article, please include a brief bio(s) of the author(s) of 2-4 sentences.

  • Please attach recent a photo, preferably a portrait picture (headshot) of the author(s)

  • Please mention any conflict of interest or relevant funders to the subject matter of the article

Submitting an article pitch

  • Please include the working title of the proposed article as the subject heading

  • Please provide a brief description of your article, its relevance to global health and any other relevant information in the body of the email.

  • Please limit your pitch to 200 words.

Submitting a photo essay

  • Submit photos in JPEG format.

  • Please submit a minimum of six photos each with a descriptive caption for each

  • Please submit a brief introduction to the photo essay of 5-6 sentences

  • Please include a brief bio(s) of the author(s) of 2-4 sentences.

  • Please attach recent a photo, preferably a portrait picture (headshot) of the author(s)

Post-submission process

  • If accepted, we will suggest edits to make your article more engaging and/or to improve clarity, in addition to edits related to grammatical and/or spelling errors.

  • We will review your submission and return a response in one to two weeks.

  • Acceptance for publication will be done at the discretion of the Global Health Perspectives editors. We reserve the right to decline to publish any post or to remove any post after it has been published.

  • We will not reuse or publish your content outside the Global Health Perspectives without contacting you and requesting your permission.

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