Why The World Needs An Essential Diagnostics List
Lee Schroeder, Timothy Amukele and Madhukar Pai
Combined Hepatitis and HIV diagnostic tool. Photo by Dr. Nitika Pai.
Without diagnostics, medicine is blind. And yet, diagnostics receive much less attention than vaccines and drugs. Imagine a sick infant with bacterial sepsis in sub-Saharan Africa. Without diagnostics, they will likely get incorrectly treated for malaria. Every year, 1 million patients with TB in India are either not diagnosed or not reported. Pregnant women with anemia, syphilis and diabetes are often missed in low-income countries where laboratory capacity is severely lacking. And where there is testing, it is often of low quality.
A recent NEJM article proposes a simple way to improve access to critical diagnostics: make a list. In 1977, the World Health Organization started (and has since maintained) a Model List of Essential Medicines (EML). The EML, a global health success, has improved access to medicines. Sadly, there is no equivalent Model List of Essential Diagnostics (EDL). Such a list would be impactful for these reasons:
TB diagnostic tools. Photo by Dr. Madhu Pai.
Improve patient care and clinical outcomes
Patients will get consistent access to quality essential diagnostics that will be affordable and always available. When a diagnostic is added to an EDL, governments, funders and manufacturers will work to ensure availability and access.Help detect emerging infectious threats
The Ebola and Zika epidemics have underscored the need for surveillance. While many countries have reference laboratories, laboratory capacity at lower health system tiers is often weak. By increasing laboratory capacity at all tiers, an EDL could help countries better prepare for epidemics and implement international health regulations.Increase affordability
Bulk and advanced purchasing, volume discounts and pooling mechanisms are widely used for vaccines and drugs. Without such mechanisms, quality diagnostics can be unaffordable. Xpert MTB/RIF is a good TB test, but affordability is limited. An EDL could promote group purchasing by international organizations (e.g., Global Fund). With larger, predictable volumes, manufacturers can lower prices. Countries can use EDL to impose price controls and waive import duties to ensure affordability.Reduce antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
Indiscriminate antimicrobial use drives AMR. Without adequate diagnosis,antimicrobials get widely abused. In half of malaria-endemic African countries over 80% of malaria treatments are applied without diagnostic testing, leading to legitimate concern for the emergence of drug resistance.Improve regulation and quality of diagnostics
Unlike developed countries, regulatory agencies that approve the accuracy of diagnostic devices either do not exist or are weak in resource-poor settings. An EDL could focus such agencies on priority tests and help to harmonize regulation at the regional level. An EDL could aid in the identification of sub-standard diagnostics, as is already occurring formalaria rapid tests.Facilitate laboratory accreditation and training
Even if a diagnostic test is of high quality, its impact can be crippled by improper use. In Kampala, Uganda, 95% of all laboratories failed to get the lowest score on the WHO laboratory quality checklist. Country-level laboratory accreditation groups could use the EDL to establish targeted and appropriate quality assurance programs. An EDL could also help shape in-country training of laboratorians.Improve supply chain and laboratory infrastructure
As is too often the case in low-income settings, poor infrastructure and inconsistent supply chains render laboratory devices unusable. An EDL could encourage ministries of health to strengthen necessary infrastructures and develop targeted supply chains for the essential tests.Facilitate change in healthcare provider behavior
Healthcare professionals trained in countries where laboratory testing is either unavailable or of low quality are likely to treat based on clinical suspicion. The impact of the Xpert MTB/RIF TB test has been blunted because of such issues. Likewise, in several settings, providers continue to give anti-malarial therapies, despite negative rapid test results. An EDL could improve providers’ confidence in test results and strengthen thediagnostic-treatment cascade.Inform new technology development
Several teams are now developing point-of-care diagnostics for global health. An EDL could help develop target product profiles that can inform new product development. In fact, such initiatives already exist for several key diagnostics.Facilitate epidemiological surveys, program evaluation and disease elimination
Policy makers need data on disease burden. An EDL could support national surveys and help track changes in disease burden and efficacy of interventions (e.g., diagnostics to support polio elimination).
In summary, essential medicines require essential diagnostics. The NEJM article has proposed an EDL to set the ball rolling. While many agencies could establish an EDL, WHO is the obvious choice, since they maintain the EML, make health policies, run prequalification programs and oversee international health regulations. So, we call upon WHO to take the lead in creating a List of Essential Diagnostics. We also call on key stakeholders (e.g., FIND, PATH, TDR, CHAI, ASLM, GHTC, Stop TB Partnership, Roll Back Malaria, UNAIDS), civil society (e.g., MSF, TAG, ACTION) and donors (e.g., Global Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNITAID, USAID) to support WHO to make this happen.
Dr. Lee Schroeder is assistant professor at the University of Michigan, where he is director of Point-of-Care Testing and associate director of Chemical Pathology. Dr. Timothy Amukele is an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he is the director of the Bayview Medical Center Clinical Laboratories. Dr. Madhukar Pai is a Canada Research Chair in Epidemiology & Global Health at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. He serves as the director of McGill Global Health Programsand associate director of the McGill International TB Centre.
This article was originally posted on Forbes website. See the original post here.